Green Economy and Sustainable Development

'We underscore that green economy is not intended as a rigid set of rules but rather as a decision-making framework to foster integrated consideration of the three pillars of sustainable development in all relevant domains of public and private decision-making.'
The Future We Want Zero-draft of the outcome document Rio+20

For over twenty years, we have being dealing with issues related to the environment, sustainable development and green economy, on behalf of companies, organisations and associations.

In addition to regularly participating in international events on Sustainable Development (EU Green Week, ERSCP the European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production, the UN Commission on Sustainable Development Partnerships Fair, SETAC events, Life Cycle Management events, International Sustainability Conference, ISWA Congresses, Sardinia Symposia on landfill and waste management, Ecomondo), Zelian managing partners are members of the Green Industry Platform, of the Green Economy Task Force (Commission on Environment and Energy) of the International Chamber of Commerce and of the Green Economy Network of Assolombarda.

In June 2012, Zelian participated in Rio+20, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, contributing with its experience to the Partnerships Forum debates.

Partnerships are considered one of the most participatory and effective mechanism to implement sustainable development and enhance international cooperation.



Patricia Chaves interviewed by VinylPlus

Patricia Chaves of the Division for Sustainable Development, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) is interviewed by Erica on the role of Partnerships.

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ICC Green Economy Task Force

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Green Economy Roadmap – a guide for business, policy makers and society to assist in the development and implementation of policies and actions towards a 'green economy'.