Zelian srl
Via S. Giovanna d’Arco, 5
20124 Milan – Italy
Tel +39 02 29414807
Fax +39 02 29406753
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Via Santa Giovanna d’Arco is 5-minutes walking from the Central Station of Milan.

Underground stations: MM Caiazzo (line M2 – green), MM Centrale FS (line M3 – yellow), MM Loreto (line M1 – red).

'We underscore that green economy is not intended as a rigid set of rules but rather as a decision-making framework to foster integrated consideration of the three pillars of sustainable development in all relevant domains of public and private decision-making.'
The Future We Want Zero-draft of the outcome document Rio+20

For over twenty years, we have being dealing with issues related to the environment, sustainable development and green economy, on behalf of companies, organisations and associations.

In addition to regularly participating in international events on Sustainable Development (EU Green Week, ERSCP the European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production, the UN Commission on Sustainable Development Partnerships Fair, SETAC events, Life Cycle Management events, International Sustainability Conference, ISWA Congresses, Sardinia Symposia on landfill and waste management, Ecomondo), Zelian managing partners are members of the Green Industry Platform, of the Green Economy Task Force (Commission on Environment and Energy) of the International Chamber of Commerce and of the Green Economy Network of Assolombarda.

In June 2012, Zelian participated in Rio+20, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, contributing with its experience to the Partnerships Forum debates.

Partnerships are considered one of the most participatory and effective mechanism to implement sustainable development and enhance international cooperation.



Zelian is part of the International network of professionals and experts in the areas of communications and business management, able in building multidisciplinary teams tailor made on different customer’s needs.

Zelian is committed to sustainable development and to integrating sustainable development practices into its business, promoting sustainable development awareness in all its activities and with its clients.

Zelian endorses the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Green Economy Roadmap a guide for business, policy makers and society to assist in the development and implementation of policies and actions towards a 'green economy'.

Zelian is member of the Green Industry Platform, the global, high-level, multi-stakeholder partnership run by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Zelian fully shares the Green Industry Platform’s principles and is committed to include best practices and to promote sustainable development awareness.

Zelian adheres to the Confindustria's Charter of Environmental Sustainability Principles.

The Charter sets out shared principles and indicates the actions needed for a uniform and gradual progress towards greater environmental sustainability by outlining realistic and achievable goals for Italian companies.

10 Principles for 10 Commitments
1. Achievement of short, medium and long term environmental sustainability objectives
2. Adoption of a precautionary approach
3. Efficient use of natural resources
4. Control and reduction of environmental impacts
5. The central role of innovative technologies
6. Responsible management of products
7. Responsible management of the supply chain
8. Awareness and training
9. Transparency in relations with stakeholders
10. Consistency with international activities


Zelian srl
Via S. Giovanna d’Arco, 5
20124 Milan Italy
Tel +39 02 29414807
Fax +39 02 29406753
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Via Santa Giovanna d’Arco is 5-minutes walking from the Central Station of Milan.

Underground stations: MM Caiazzo (line M2 – green), MM Centrale FS (line M3 – yellow), MM Loreto (line M1 – red).

'The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said.'
Peter Drucker

Communicating means making a piece of information known and sharing it, whether it is an idea, a project or a product.

Strategic thinking, creativity, and communications techniques are fundamental, yet they must be integrated with the different national, international, social, corporate environmental needs to be really effective.

Successful communication depends on really knowing an organisation’s language and culture so as to understand its needs and achieve its goals.

It is equally important to know how to weigh up available resources, use them in the most cost effective way and measure results.

We offer you direct, practical, in-depth experience of national and international communications for companies, corporations, institutions and associations.

Corporate communications
Internal communications
Trainings and education
Crisis communications and issues management
Technical and scientific communications
Environmental and social communications
B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B
Trade shows, conferences and events
Marketing/sales road shows
Community marketing
Non conventional communications
Web and social media
Media relations

Partnerships Forum 2012

Dr. Brigitte Dero, Deputy General Manager of VinylPlus, discusses the role of partnerships.

Tutti i video

ICC Green Economy Task Force

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Green Economy Roadmap – a guide for business, policy makers and society to assist in the development and implementation of policies and actions towards a 'green economy'.